Druck PV210-P - Hand Pump and Pneumatic Kit

The Druck PV210-P low pressure and vacuum hand pump Pneumatic Kit with the case, hoses. Generate pressures from -96 to 310kPa, fine control to 0.025mBar(0.0025kPa).
$1,977.28 Price including GST: $2,175.01
In stock

Qty Available: 3

If out of Stock, Typical Lead Time: 5-6 Weeks

The Druck PV210P is a lightweight, yet rugged and durable, low pressure and vacuum hand pump offering exceptional fine control. Thermally insulated to eliminate hand held temperature effects and supplied with a built-in pressure relief valve to protect the test instrument, this pump was truly designed with the requirements of low-pressure calibrations in mind. The PV210-HA Hand pump comes in a carrying case with two flexible, 3 ft long by 1/8 in diameter nylon hoses with 1/4 in BSP Fittings and accessories.


  • •  Pneumatic pressures to 310kPa/45 psi
    •  Vacuum to -91kPa/-27 inHg
    •  Precise fine control to 0.01 inH2O
    •  Thermally insulated to eliminate temperature effects


  • •  Dual source of pneumatic pressure and vacuum
    •  Finger-tight quick fit connectors
    •  Extremely low pressures generated by using the fine adjust vernier alone
    •  Built-in pressure relief valve for setting maximum output pressure
    •  Fine control needle valve for pressure release

PV210-P: Hand pump in carrying case with two flexible, 3 ft long by 1/8 in diameter nylon hoses with 1/4 in BSP Fittings and accessories.

Note: PV210-P does not include DPI104.

Please feel free to discuss with us about your product requirement. Instrowest can help you with product Supply, Installation and Calibration. Contact us Now

  • •  Pneumatic pressures to 310kPa/45 psi
    •  Vacuum to -91kPa/-27 inHg
    •  Precise fine control to 0.01 inH2O
    •  Thermally insulated to eliminate temperature effects
  1.  Druck PV210 - Datasheet