Swagelok SS Instrumentation Tubing - 1/2in 6m length

SS Instrumentation Tubing - 1/2in 6m length
$116.40 Price including GST: $128.04
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If out of Stock, Typical Lead Time: 1 Week

Swagelok High Quality 1/2" Stainless Steel Instrumentation Tubing - Swagelok Fully Annealed Tubing, 0.035" wall thickness, 6m length. Working Pressure of 3200psig and suitable for gas service.

Please order "Protective Packaging for SS Tube" with every purchase of SS tubes (Up to 12 Tubes)

Please feel free to discuss with us about your product requirement. Instrowest can help you with product Supply, Installation and Calibration. Contact us Now